Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Québec suite
Et non c'est pas ma nouvelle coupe de cheveux, c'est simplement qu'il y avait too much wind!!
Et oui pas de STOP ici, mais ARRÊ même pour dire "quelque chose s'est cassé" non on dit plutôt "quelque chose s'est brisé"...on dit pas non plus "boisson" mais "beuvrage" oui comprendre le vieux français du Moyen Age a été ma tâche dans cette ville lol...chuuuutt!! le dites pas à un québecois il va se fâcher!! Non mais j'adore leur accent, really...
Faut voir tous les renseignements qu'ils peuvent mettre sur un paquet de tabac...on a vraiment pas du tout envie de fumer après ç
Posted by
2:55 AM
Qué the rain :(
It is the only Canadian province with a predominantly French-speaking population and the only one whose sole official language is French at the provincial level.
History of Quebec from Wikipedia (trop mal à la tête pour expliquer tout ça- et oui j'ai une angine-)
The name "Quebec", which comes from the Algonquin word kébec meaning "where the river narrows", originally referred to the area around Quebec City where the Saint Lawrence River narrows to a cliff-lined gap. Early variations in the spelling of the name included Québecq (Levasseur, 1601) and Kébec (Lescarbot 1609).[15] French explorer Samuel de Champlain chose the name Québec in 1608 for the colonial outpost he would use as the administrative seat for the French colony of New France.[16]
The Province of Quebec was founded in the Royal Proclamation of 1763 after the Treaty of Paris formally transferred the French colony of Canada[17] to Britain after the Seven Years' War. The proclamation restricted the province to an area along the banks of the Saint Lawrence River. The Quebec Act of 1774 restored the Great Lakes and the Ohio River Valley regions to the province. The Treaty of Versailles, 1783 ceded territories south of the Great Lakes to the United States. After the Constitutional Act of 1791, the territory was divided between Lower Canada (present day Quebec) and Upper Canada (present day Ontario), with each being granted an elected Legislative Assembly. In 1840, these become Canada East and Canada West after the British Parliament unified Upper and Lower Canada into the Province of Canada. This territory was redivided into the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario at Confederation in 1867. Each became one of the first four provinces.
All together in a cannon
The wall who represents the history of Québec. It's the old district of Quebec; just behind there is the Royal Place where a statue of Louis XIV had been put.
Le sirop d'érable. Quand on le met dans de la glace cela devient dur. C'est pour cela qu'il y a de nombreuses friandises à base d'érable.
Les vues du lac de St Lawrence (on dirait franchement la mer)
J'étais en train de dormir dans le bus quand je sens une odeur de oui Carlos a tout prévu: il avait ramené des pipas d'Espagne..ahhhh!!!ces espagnols!!! Donc ils étaient les vrais marujas en train de cotillar, et moi au final no me enteré de nada :(
Posted by
2:35 AM
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Festival "Juste pour rire" in Montréal
After eating the "poutine plate" (it's the typical plate here: it's fried potatoes and cheese with some kind of strange sauce)- actually I didn't like it!; we went to the Festival and it was quite funny.
I found my dear Charlie Chaplin there!!!! waouaaaaouuuuu!!! lol
Also a typical dessert here called "Queue de castors" I didn't like it as well. It's fried with chocolate, banana, marmelade, can put what you want...
Posted by
11:46 PM
Olympic Stadium
At the beginning I didn't want to go be cause I thought it would be boring. But one of my frech friend recommand me to do it. Finally it was a great idea because I love sports and I was really surprise about how huge it was. I felt in love with the swimming-pool. I would like to live in Montréal and could swim in it.
I could assist to a football game and there were 2 french teams!! I stayed a little bit and as they didn't put any goal I left to eat a "poutine plate" with my friends!
Me and the swimming-pool where I would like to swim.
ça c'est pour qq1 qui se reconnaîtra tout de suite. Comme cette personne m'a dit que mes pieds étaient des palmes, j'ai enfin retrouvé une photo qui me ressemble n'est ce pas?
Me and the olympic football stadium
Posted by
11:27 PM
Dowtown in Montréal
I was in the Saint Joseph's Oratory, completed in 1934, and I loved that sentence.
Normally when you're catholic you have to stop in each step and pray until the top of the Oratory. We didn't have a lot of time, so I couldn't do it, but would like to do it...:(
It is a Roman Catholic basilica on the northern slope of Mount Royal. The basilica is dedicated to Saint Joseph, to whom Brother André credited all his reported miracles. These were mostly related to some kind of healing power, and many pilgrims (handicapped, blind, ill, etc.) poured into his Basilica, including numerous Protestants. On display in the basilica is a wall covered with thousands of crutches from those who came to the basilica and were healed
After going to the blind restaurant called "O Noir" (you eat in dark) we jumped and walked into the Mont Royal Park and after one hour we found an amazing view of Montréal by night...In this pic we can't see it very well, but in real it's incredible!
It's the typical houses in Montréal. The bar, pubs, etc... are also like that.
Posted by
11:15 PM
Montréal is the second-largest city in Canada and the largest city in the province of Quebec. Originally called Ville-Marie ('City of Mary')
The city takes its present name from Mont-Royal, the three-headed hill at the heart of the city, whose name was also initially given to the island on which the city is located or Mont Réal as it was spelled in Middle French
Montreal is the second-largest primarily French-speaking city in the world, after Paris.
It's St Lawrence lake. It's Jacques Cartier who found this city in 1535.
It's the official motto of Quebec. It means "We remember the past and its lessons, the past and its misfortunes, the past and its glories"
Posted by
10:55 PM
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Playing golf with Olivia and Palmyre
Olivia is the little girl of my family. Yesterday she taught me how to play.
Today I played with Palmyre and a french girl Floriane. We played the driving range and mini-golf...loved it but I haD pain in my hands.
Posted by
4:01 AM
Monday, July 20, 2009
My sunday in Victoria Park
The typical birds from Canada...don't know the name, sorry!...who know?
Les typiques maisons au bord de la plage, dans le port. Certaines personnes aiment vivre loin de la ville et de cette manière...
Vous pensez vraiment qu'on tient 1 à 2 min sous 0ºC?
Où sont mes pieds? lol. Celui qui devine aura droit à qq chose de spécial! lol
We went to see the cliffs in the east part of Toronto, close to Victoria Park. In our way we found a rapsberry tree. So we gathered and ate it...
After that we saw th cliffs but we were quite disappointed, so we stayed on the beach talking and laughing. We came back and we walked a lot until the bus stop!
After 5 hours walking thought Victoria Park we had a great weekend burden in strong emotions!! xxx
Thay said everything about the sea: température, combien il y a de bactéries ds l'eau,..
Posted by
3:58 AM