It's only to show you that we're very late in France, because here they picked over all the paper, the metal, the plastic,....Everything!! And if you make a mistake...they put you a fine!! careful!
Sunday, September 30, 2007
The rubbish in Finland!
Posted by
10:35 AM
Finnish traditional music
I have a lecturer whose name is "finnish traditional music" and we learn about the traditional instruments and culture music in Finland. At the beginnig it was a little bit boring but after ons course i realy enjoyed it!
We learn a lot of thing....For example, did you know that it exists since centuries, an indigenous people in the top of the Scandinave countries? The name of this people is SAMI. And did you know the famous and historic anthem in Finland??......It's The Kalevala!! Well, things like that are important to know more about the country where you live (well, for me it's important!)
So in the photo, i'm playing the Kantele (an historic finnish instrument)
The national epic contains two poems relating the origin of the kantele. Väinämöinen, the wizard-hero, created the kantele and also excelled in performing on the instrument. Väinämöinen made his first kantele out of fish bones, specifically the jawbone of a pike; his second kantele was made of birch wood. The strings were of animal tail hairs or the hair of young maidens. Everyone tried to play the first kantele, but only its creator could play it so that all creation was enchanted...
Posted by
10:21 AM
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Rentukka is a bar-discotec/night club-bar close to our building. They oganise stammitsch parties every Thursday. So we went at 9 pm, and when we arrived there, there was only few people, and I began to think maybe I s'd better go back to my room/ to come back to my room...but suddenly, a lot of people arrived..ok! So Stammtisch began! They offered/displayed a show about finnish sports. We had to form groups and joined in the game...but I prefered dancing with the girls. Everybody drank beer, beer, and beer!! I only drank one because I didn't want to come back late to my room, I had courses today ( yeahhh, I know that you are surprised that I have attended to course on Saturday!) So finally I came back at 1 a.m and at the end of the night, a lot of couples began to have "some romance"...if you understand what I mean ...It's Erasmus you know!!!
But here i'm feeling older! I'll have 25 years old and everybody is only 20-21 or so. So I have the feeling that I really need to work and to finish my studies!! But the positive thing is that I have 3 it's normal, isn't it?? Please say yes!!! Actually, Kirsty and E.j (and some of the girls i know here) have the same age than I'm not so older!!
Posted by
3:58 PM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Make up session!!
We were eating pancakes in Eva's room and we decided to get ready to go to Rentukka¡s club this evening!! So E.j made up Angela and me....We were so pretty, don't you think?
I feel I am in paradise/'M IN PARADISE HERE!! E.j made me up and Angela was doing me a massage on the back and ....Jenny was giving me some breathe!! I love you so much my dear friends!!!!!!!
THANK YOU FOR THE SESSION! i really liked/enjoyed it!
Posted by
7:37 PM
I hate the Finnish weather!!!
We went by bike to the Yliopista (University in finnish) and we were so wet!!
When we arrived to our room, it stoppped to rain!! arhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! I hate it!!
In the first photo, i¡m with Becky (Walles) and in the last photo, i'm with Sammy and
Posted by
7:30 PM
Well i don't know if you remember who is Muumi? Well Tove Jansson invented the family character of Muumi. It was so famous...i'm sure you remember him...well maybe the young generation not.
Well, so here it's very very famous and you can see his picture in every place. I was doing shopping and we found bottles with his picture. I really want to go to see the Muumi's museum.
Posted by
2:54 PM
The Harbour "Jyväsjärvi"
After eating the lunch in the restaurant we went to the Harbour and to see few landscapes!
I can't say nothing, it's landscapes!
Posted by
2:44 PM
Hummmm!! So Sweet!!
After a lunch with Sammy, Vivi, Susan and i ( we ate a spaghetti, hummmm!! it was so good!) we went quickly to our class, we arrived a little late but it didn't matter because the teacher didn't say nothing.
In the finnish class, we began to learn the number in suomi. So the teacher was a good idea to do a game: BINGO!!
We had to choose numbers and put it on a square. After that the teacher said numbers in finnish and we had to check it in the square, like a bingo game. If you did a lign, you
could win sweet chocolate. So i told Susan, that i really wanted to eat chocolate, so we had to win the bingo. So i began to choose my numbers...and i understood everuthing the teacher said in finnish and........I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After eating 2 sweet chocolate, we went to the bank and to do some shopping, and we found a Donut's shop, but actually it was a special finnish Donuts shop. We ate one ( as you can see on the photos, hummmmmmmm!!!It was so so so sweet!!!!)
After eating a lot of fat calories, we really needed to do some sport, so we decides to visit the harbour by bike in a cold weather without coat!!!
The weather was so bad!
I took a photo of the prices of the diesel here; All things considered it isn't so experience that i have thought!
Posted by
2:21 PM
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A squirrel in front of me!!
Here, it's normal that a squirrel come near of you. There is a lot and they aren't wild; so when i was taking photo to the "bench exhibition", a squirrel got closed to me, and i was very very surprised, because in Europe (France and Spain) they are always afraid.
I took photos too of the original bench (it's like a contemporany art) for my sister! I hope you like it Soeurette!
Posted by
7:17 PM